Warning! Picture Heavy Posting!
grab a cup of tea first ;)
(all of the images are clickable, which means if you click on them, they get larger and then you can click on them again and get an even larger image)
Some glimses of Chinatown. :)
I'd say there were about three major highlights of my trip of staying with
Sans! in Singapore.
First, the first full day I was there, we had dinner with
Asuka and
Pei Li. All delightful women and the chicken rice was very good!
Then of course, getting to meet San's mom. She made her famous chicken curry for us and she even made some mild for me. All of her cooking was just delicious! It was a pleasure to meet her and get to see her lovely home.
There are pictures of San's mom's home as you scroll down, don't worry, there's much to see!
I loved her home, it had wind chimes and Chinese laterns and just like Singapore, there was beauty every where you looked. :)
The third highlight of the trip was visiting the bird park, which I just loved immensely!
You can tell by the amount of pictures I took!
More pictures are on my facebook page, for you facebookers out there. ;)
This is a park right next to Sans' house. Nope, I never climbed all those steps!
Singapore Bird Park
San's has such a lovely home and she put me at ease right away. It was like being at a resort, between the warm weather, beautiful locale and lovely, cosy home. :)
We did a lot of shopping! I'll show next time the treasures I brought back. :)
We did a lot of walking! By the end, my feet and legs ached, but it was all so worth getting to see all that we did.
And we did a lot of eating! Every meal was like a buffet, as San's wanted me to try a bit of this and try a bit of that. I felt like they were fattening me up like a Christmas goose. lol ;)
Even Cindy's Bf joined us one day.
He's a real cutie and suits her just perfectly. :)
Cindy did a great job of showing me around even if we did meander off from our agenda. ;)
Such a beautiful country!
I felt very safe there and most people spoke English. Which was good for me!
The MRT which is their transit line, is written in English, Mandarin and Indian.
I thought that was pretty cool.
This guy scared the bajeebers out of me!
A very rich and diverse population, there seems like there's a little bit of everyone in Singapore.
A very international, metropolitan city. Very modern!
Oy and so many escalaters! They were every where.
I guess their malls tend to be more up and down from what I am used to, hence the escalaters.
It was fun looking at all of San's minis! The tribal house is so cool, much better in person.
I loved looking at all of her ladies and the fruit/veg market. All the hookah pipes.
Fun to see the different things that starred on her blog over time, like the wrong way and stop signs. They were just hanging out on the bookcase and I was like, "hey! I recognise these!"
I highly recommend visiting Singapore, it's just such a beautiful place to be!
Thank you so much Sans!
And thank mom again for me! :)
Thanks Cindy!
and Asuka!
and Pei Li!
Thank you all for showing me such a delightful time. :)
At the Malay Heritage Center, the grounds were phenominal!
Bali Lane to the left.
Bali Lane to the right.
The night sky, one night as I was walking up Sans' street back to her home.
Gorgeous, gorgeous sky!
High above the roof tops, is where San's mom lives. :)
Four girls heading into mom's place. :)
The view of the patio, soon after our arrival.
A peak at the grandchildren and their little toys in the containers on the right.
Beauty in every corner. :)
I wished I had asked to take pictures earlier when it was lighter out. The sun sets around 7pm there and rises at about the same time in the morning.
There's a koi pond in there!
Her alter.
On our way out, I snapped some more pictures, as I didn't realise on the way in that San's mom was responsible for all of this greenery!
Fini! :)
I hope you enjoyed the show and I didn't wear you out too, too much! ;)