So, I have my inspiration.
Fourth of July Celebration.
I have my scope of work, provided by my client.
Now, on to one of my favorite parts of a new project.
Shopping for the supplies and in this case, it was fabric shopping.
My middle daughter came along with me, she's my supply shopping buddy. And, some times that means some supplies for her as well. :)
Above, you can see the final results.
But, a selection of fabrics like that, just doesn't happen willy nilly.
The reds were fairly easy, I took most of them right from the inspiration picture.
(You can scroll down to find it, it's in an earlier posting.)
The large check was for the swing cushion, just like in the photo and the small plaid was for two pillows on the swing, also, just like the inpiration photo.
Add on a red and white polka dot and a red and white floral.
That was easy!
Check off, first store on the list.

My next challenge was finding a blue fabric for the kitchen and rocker chair cushions.
Since the farm house is set in the 1930's I wanted a fabric that would be period appropriate.
This ended up being the most challenging aspect of the shopping expedition.
In my mind's eye, I could see what I wanted, but finding it, proved a bit difficult.
I went to the local quilt shop because I was certain I had seen some vintage inspired fabrics there in the past. Well, they might have been there the last time, but this time, nothing that I saw was fitting the bill. :(
Went to another fabric store, this one specialises in a large selection of novelty fabrics. I looked at every fabric in this warehouse type store, no go! But, I did find a red and white striped fabric which I added to my red selections.
Okay, so then we were hungry so we stopped at Wegman's take out and noshed to keep up our stamina. ;)
At our last store, I found the perfect blue fabric, in the picture above, it is the second fabric up from the bottom.
It's as if, I bee lined right over to that fabric. It was perfect for what I wanted, white/bluish back ground with the blue grid pattern gave it a vintage type look and the reddish flowers were the perfect compliment to all of the reds in the rest of the cushions and decorations.
And, right near that fabric was the blue fabric shown right above it in the picture.
Just the right punch of color and accent pattern for a unique pillow on the porch swing.

Oh, and almost forgot! Here's my fabric for the bunting. What a find, perfectly scaled for 1/12th scale Fourth of July bunting. Gotta love that!
Five hours and five stores (okay, one was for food) I had all of the fabrics I needed to begin this custom order.
More next time!