Thursday, June 24, 2010

Singapore!!! :)

Sculpture Square

Indian Temple

Chinese Temple at Race Course Road

St. Andew's Cathedral

 Swissôtel The Stamford Hotel Singapore

Singapore Art Museum

Art Garden: Children's Season

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Keep an eye on this space.....

Pictures of Singapore are bound to get here at some point and hopefully, sooner than later. ;)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Busy, busy, busy!

My how time flies so quickly these days!
I'm normally busy, but it's been crazy busy around here.
Here is a sewing cabinet I filled for a client.

I think it came out cute and she's pleased with it,
that's the most important part.
If you'd like to see the progress on her house, click here.
The album now has 37 pages in it, enjoy! :)

I have not been up on my blog reading and I apologise to all.
Maybe, I can get a chance to catch up on my reading while I am on vacation.

I got to go out to lunch today and I met up with a gal from my town that is also a miniaturist and has an etsy shop as well. I was so tickled to me her. I don't know any miniaturists in my area, most of the people I know into minis are on line. Her name is Agnes and here is her etsy shop.

Too cute, she messaged me what she was wearing so I could find her, black carpris, pink shirt.
LOL! What was I wearing? black pants, pink shirt.
That right there is a sign. ;)

She belongs to several local clubs and said she would take me to them. That sounds like fun. :)

Well, that's all for now... I'm off to Singapore on Monday. :)
My shop is still open, but delivery of merchandise will wait until I return.

In the mean time, email me at
and put mailing list in the subject line.
I'm going to have a private sale over the summer, but you have to sign up for the mailing list to know about it. :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Jersey Shore Rental and Welcoming New Followers :)

I promised my friend who is promoting her sister's vacation rental in Ocean City, New Jersey, that I would mention it on my blog. So here goes! :)

You can poke on the ad to see it larger.

Ocean City, NJ is on a barrier island and is a dry, family town. I think the majority of people from my town head down there to spend time in surf and sand. These rentals are close to the beach and boardwalk and are in a victorian building. It's very nice, so check it out if you are interested you can email here.
Price varies by the week. Don't forget to tell them that Dale sent you! :)
And now, I have quite a few new followers to welcome!
My very warmest wishes to all of you, welcome, relax, enjoy, leave me a comment sometime. :)
Cherrywood Miniatures
btw, mr. pineapple man, your blog doesn't show up when you hit your avatar, either! does mine show up now? I knew you had one, so I went looking for it. :)

Everything in pink is clickable, as usual! Check out all of the blogs and if I missed yours, just let me know, they don't always show up when the avatar is clicked.

Thank you all for following me! Hoping no matter where in the world you are, your week is off to a good start. :)